Does your work have a focus on the development and support of communication skills?

Do you work with a child or adult with Rett syndrome or a Rett-related disorder?

Would you like to share your experiences and learn from the experiences of colleagues who also work with people with Rett syndrome?

Then join the Rett UK Communication Professionals Network.

 The Network is supported by Rett UK’s Communication and Education Project and is intended for all Communication Professionals* who work with people with Rett syndrome, in any setting, with any age group and at any level of experience, in any region of the UK. 

 If you work with one or more individual(s) with Rett syndrome we would like to know you!

*“Communication professional” includes anyone working in a specialist capacity with a focus on communication. For example, Speech and Language Therapists/SLT assistants, teachers/teaching assistants, and others who play a key role in supporting communication skills.

This network is for Speech & Language Therapists, Teachers, SLT Assistants, Teaching Assistants and others who work in a specialist capacity with a focus on supporting the communication development and skills of children & adults with Rett syndrome.

After completing the Network Registration Form and paying a one-off Administration Fee of £25 you will be given access to all of the talks and more on this exclusive website for Communication Professionals and you will be sent a FREE printed copy of the UK and Ireland edition of the Rett Syndrome Communication Guidelines Handbook in the post. 

By joining the Network you will also be eligible for a reduced fee to attend future study/training days run by Rett UK.

Register As A Network Member Now

By submitting you agree to the Terms & Privacy Policy

This Communication Professionals website includes links to conference and webinar recordings, resources, research news and updates, and more...

If you have any queries, please contact Dr. Gill Townend: [email protected]

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